Book an appointment.

“The difference between having a seedling of an idea and the tools for it to grow is everything - and quite often for many the process can be so strenuous, confusing and demanding that the idea never sees the light of day. I am here to provide you with the water for your seed and guide you along the way”.

In the 9 years that Elizabeth has laid the foundations for her career, she has gained considerable experience building successful and sustainable social enterprises, creating projects from scratch, acquiring funding and/or financial backing and finding like minded collaborators. Through the coaching and mentoring of Eva Martinez, Kerry Nichols, Steve Chapman, Maya Taylor, Unlmtd, Landmark, Bootstrap Enterprise and Genius Within, Elizabeth has acquired the necessary skills to forge a successful career in the arts.

In addition to logistical support, such as start-up business consultancy, think-tank sessions, industry guidance, personal development and funding avenue guidance, Elizabeth also offers assistance in creative development, pitching or working on new ideas, assistance in production and directing, as well as ongoing practical studio support. She is eager to see tangible results from her time spent with you.


Elizabeth provides a 15 minutes phone/zoom call ahead of your session. During the 15 minute call she would like you to share:

  • Any access requirements (if comfortable)

  • 1-2-1 - One clear goal you would like to achieve during your 1 hour slot together. 

  • 6 sessions - 3 main goals you would like to achieve during your 6 slots together. 

  • If you have any work you would like Elizabeth to view ahead of time please make sure you send this to 7 days in advance of you session otherwise she cannot schedule time for this before your meeting.

Please check availability in the calendar below and email your preferred dates/times to . Elizabeth will then set up an initial consultation of 15 minute via phone or zoom to discuss your access needs (if any), goals and your reason for working with her.